2021 Winners Gallery

2021 Winners Gallery

Grand Prize-Winning Art
Aulona Misini

The Super Power I would choose and what I would do with it.

I have chosen the topic about “the superpower I’d choose and what I’d do with it” for visual art. I have  chosen the following superpowers: Telepathy, Empathy, Precognition, and Leadership. I would use telepathy to read the minds of those I disagree with to better understand their point of view. I would want to instill empathy  to those less caring in the world. I would foresee any bad events in the future using precognition and do  everything I can to prevent it from happening. Lastly, I would use my leadership power to bridge all sides of the  world together to bring peace on earth.  

Grades 4-6

The Super Power I would choose and what I would do with it.

If I had a superpower, it would be to go back in time. This is called teleporting. I want to be able to go  back in time, or teleport, so I can stop incidents from happening and stop natural disasters from occurring. For  example, Hurricane Katrina was a deadly natural disaster. Thousands of people died and the storm damaged  New Orleans and neighboring communities. Homes were underwater, cars floated down streets as the levees  broke, and water flooded the city. Colleges and businesses closed and remained so because of mold and other  permanent damage. If I could teleport, I would go back in time before Hurricane Katrina hit and meet with the  engineers who built the levees. I would help them understand the construction of the levees needed a better  design, as they would not be able to handle a Category 5 hurricane. I would have had them evaluate the  materials used to construct the levees, as clay and sand aren’t waterproof. Had I been able to do this, the levees  would have been stronger and people in low-lying communities such as New Orleans would be safe when storms such as Hurricane Katrina or any other natural disaster made landfall. 

If I could go back in time, I would also convince people committing crimes to rethink what they are  doing before they pay a price. If I could not convince the criminal to make better decisions, I would use my  ability to teleport and protect the civilians or victims. I believe that people who commit crimes are struggling in  life and may have experienced trauma. As a result, these people often make decisions without thinking. If I  could teleport back to the time moments before they do something they may regret, I would encourage them to  stop and think about their actions. This may stop them from making a poor decision and hurting someone else.  For example, my sister recently had a part stolen from her car in the middle of the night. As a result, she  couldn’t drive her car. This made my sister’s life a bit more difficult. My sister, Nara, is my favorite person in  the entire world. When I first learned of this, I thought revenge would be a good response. While I am still  angry, if I had used my superpower of teleporting, I could have encouraged the individuals wanting to steal the  part, to make a better decision. I would tell them about Nara and the kind person she is. I would let them know  that she doesn’t deserve to be harmed. In fact, no one does. I may even introduce them to her so they would  understand the hurt they are about to cause. 

While I cannot go back in time and stop people from making bad decisions, I can encourage people to  stop and think. I can also work to understand people and their situations. This is called empathy and you don’t  need to have a superpower to have empathy. 

Living through Covid-19, The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

I could go on forever about the subject of Covid-19. I think it brought us lessons, tears, and friends.  Since I don’t have a year to talk about this mess, I’ll group them into three categories. The Good, The Bad, and  The Surprises. 

Let’s start with the first one, the good things about Covid. Let’s be honest, there isn’t a lot of good  coming from this, but there is one big factor for me, family quality time. Now, it might not sound that great, but  when Covid wasn’t here, my parents would always be doing something else. Between running to work, chores  and other stuff, it was rare that we all spent lots of time together. Another thing is that we got our own handmade swing set made by my dad. Since my Dad had nothing to do, and me, my sister Katelyn, and my two  brothers, Logan and Xavier were getting bored, my Dad decided to build us a swing set. It turned out really nice  and all four of us kids are able to swing at the same time. So Covid wasn’t all that bad, except maybe for the  masks, and the social distancing, and . . . Wait a minute, this essay has a category for this. So if you like  drama, Covid passed that subject with an A+. 

The next category is, The Bad. Now for this one, there’s a lot to talk about, but, again, I don’t have a  year so we’ll stick to three. First, we have to talk about these masks. I don’t know anybody who likes those  things. Even most moms hate them and that’s telling you something because someone as positive as a mom, never hates something. Second, we have to talk about the toilet paper outage which has to go in history books  so that nobody hogs toilet paper again. Now that’s what you call a nightmare. The last thing I need to cover is  about to get serious and sad. The worst thing about Covid is all the people who have left us from across the  world. I lost my Great-great uncle, and I know my friend lost multiple close family members. Even though this  is sad we can’t focus on those things and for once my mom is right, we have to think positive. (That’s why I put  jokes in this essay, to lighten the mood.) Enough about the bad and toilet paper outages, we got one more  category to cover, The Surprises. 

There were a lot of these starting with school. When we had first left school it was for two weeks. I  think you can guess that all the kids in my school went CRAZY! Then three weeks, then four. I bet the kids in  my school got crazier at home with each week added. So many weeks were added to the point the people who  run my school realized this wasn’t going to go away any time soon, so they made us do online school from  home. I personally go to school in person with a mask on, so that NIGHTMARE is over, at least for me.  Another surprise was when I eventually went to swim practice in the summer. The coaches had put duct tape all  over the place so our benches now had rubber ducky striped stations all over. This was trying to get us to social  distance and stay in our spots. I’m telling you not one person asked what the tape was for, because the Rubber  Ducky colored tape was Captain Obvious. But at least we still got to practice even though we didn’t compete  with other teams. 

I now recall my teachers asking us what we wanted for the future, I don’t think any of us wanted this.  (Even though there was some good stuff.) Yet, we are still caught in the middle of this mess. Hopefully, we’ll  learn from these mistakes and learn to move forward better than before. I think Covid has brought us lessons,  tears, and true friends for a better future.

Who is your racial justice hero, past or present, and why?

“Good leaders are always at the ready but not always at the front.” 

― Stacey Abrams 

People say that heroes aren’t real. Yes, the ones in books and movies are, for entertainment purposes. I  think that real life heroes range from ordinary to extraordinary people who are motivated to create change that  will help others. 

Stacey Abrams is a hero to me because she is a dedicated, hardworking, intelligent and passionate  woman who is not afraid to fight for what she believes in. She is an American politician, lawyer and voting  rights activist. She founded Fair Fight Action, an organization to address voter suppression. She is a good  leader and that puts her often at the front. Behind the scenes is where she has made the most impact to help the  whole U.S. 

You don’t become a hero if you sit and do nothing. You don’t become a hero if you do something for  your benefit and only for your benefit. Heroes are made when you get up and you act to help others, and that is  exactly what Stacey Abrams is doing. 

Stacey Abrams formed Fair fight Action after she lost the race for Governor of Georgia because of voter  suppression. She experienced it firsthand, and that made her want to stop other people from having the same  experience in Georgia and other places. 

When I think of voter suppression, I think of people that stop other people from voting. What I have  learned is that there are many different people that are suppressed, some more than others, such as people of  color, young people and people who have lower income. I go to a school where there are many students with  different backgrounds, cultures and skin tones. Yet, in my experience, people in my school have similar beliefs  about what is right and wrong. If all of us can’t share our voice by voting then people that share similar beliefs  will not get into office and will not make good changes. 

Stacey Abrams has helped millions of people to participate in fair elections. This past year her work  allowed two U.S Senators into office. Those Senators will help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make life changing decisions for this country. 

Stacey is my racial justice hero because she may not always be the star, but she is a leader who is  helping to make every vote count.  

Black Squares

Math, science



The 20 minute breaks help

The long breaks hurt.

My eyes burn

I feel like this chair is made from

B r i c k s 

With needles.

Even though it is soft.

From sitting too long.

My legs


From not having activities.

When I see

The computer


Makes me

Want to hide in my bed.

And take a day off.

I wish

The due dates on the homework assignments Were


So I wouldn’t be staring at a screen all day. So I can play outside.

Without the glowing screen

Imprinted in my mind.


E x h a u s t i n g 

Having a day


You only see your friends

On a screen.

When they turn off



So you only see a black square,

Kind of depressing

When you want to see your friends

But they don’t want to be seen.

To have a day like that.


A glowing screen stared at too long

Dark profile pictures beeping

Assignments that have dates that make me want  to

Play outside

Even though I have to stare at the screen Longer.

And prickling chairs.






Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

Coronavirus made me feel like I am on a rollercoaster, because at the beginning I got scared about it and  don’t want to touch anything and just like seeing a rollercoaster for the first time and not wanting to ride it as I  thought that I might fall off, or something bad might happen. 

But after sometime when I followed the Covid 19 safety procedures I got used to doing my routine and I  don’t feel as scared as before. Similarly, when I rode the roller coaster I got used to it and felt less scared. Though I still feel a little bit scared in both situations.

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

Hello my name is Eh Ku and I am in fifth grade at Grace Academy. For the Hartford Creative Contest I drew a peacock that is blue with large feathers. I was inspired by the topic living through Covid-19:  the good, the bad, and the surprises. The spread of the pandemic was stressful and caused me to stay home  more. I have been drawing more to help me relax and I learned to express myself through art. I found myself  drawing things that I love and I love peacocks because they have lots of colors which I think is unique. The  feathers have lots of meaning in them because every feather of a peacock is different from the other even if it’s  just a slight difference. The peacock represents me in different ways because I am also unique and the colors  represent my moods. Blue for when I am calm, orange for when I am mad, and green for when I am active and  want to do something fun. I experienced all of these different moods during Covid-19. Therefore, my peacock drawing represents my feelings and my experiences with art during the pandemic. 

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

Covid-19 is a very bad sickness you can easily get by not washing your hands and not disinfecting your  hands. You can also get infected if you don’t wear a face mask. If you don’t protect yourself by using a mask  and gloves you can get more people sick. You should avoid touching your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. If you  don’t protect yourself the virus will spread more and more, you can help by protecting yourself wearing a face  mask and gloves. The virus is so dangerous that it can cause memory loss, changes in your body and a lot more  dangerous things to a baby. If we don’t take good care of ourselves, bad things can happen. 

My opinion is to follow the rules to take care of ourselves by: using a mask and gloves, washing your  hands, and using disinfectant.

Grades 7-9

The Super Power I would Choose and What I Would Do With It. 

A Dungeons and Dragons book I have read describes wizards that can cast a spell that lets them talk to  animals. Having read that, I thought about how useful that would be in this world too. With global warming  causing many habitats to be destroyed, it would help people understand global warming if we could interact  with those who are most affected by it. People could use this information to slow down the effects of climate  change and save many animals’ lives. Talking to animals could help people in other ways too. For example,  working with fish to map the ocean or talking to pets will make their lives more enjoyable. For these reasons,  the super power I would choose is the ability to talk to animals. 

More than eighty percent of the ocean remains unexplored even after hundreds of years of mapping. A  lot more could be learned about the ocean ecosystem if we knew what we do not know about the ocean. If  people could talk to the animals that have been in places where humans have never been, people could finally  map the entire ocean. Deep sea animals such as grenadiers and anglerfish would know a lot about places in the  ocean where people cannot go. Giant squids may also help because they usually swim in the twilight zone,  which is a deep part of the ocean that the sun barely reaches and one of the least explored areas on earth. If  people could map the twilight zone with the help of a squid, then we could learn about other species that we  have not discovered yet. 

Another advantage of talking to animals involves climate change. Lots of ice is lost every year in the  north and south poles. Additionally, many acres of land were destroyed last year in Australia due to forest  fires. Global warming has destroyed many ecosystems, and it will only destroy more if people do not start  paying attention to it. 

Most people are aware of global warming and know its less complex effects such as how it raises the  temperature and sea level but no person can fully understand the terrible effect it has on animals. If people  could talk to these animals, then they may be able to get a better grasp of how bad it is for them. Polar bears  are a good example of creatures that have become endangered because of global warming. People could learn  about the lives of polar bears and how climate change might get in the way of their daily activities. Information  like this may encourage more politicians to acknowledge the severity of climate change. Similar to the polar  bears, koalas have had many of their habitats destroyed by climate change. In recent forest fires caused by long  droughts, koalas have been one of the most affected by the massive fires. Koalas have become increasingly  vulnerable to the effects of climate change and talking to them may be a good way to learn how to best combat  forest fires. 

Finally talking to animals can help people connect to their pets. One of the things I always wonder about  my cat is what is going on in her head? What does she dream about? Does she tolerate me? What are her  thoughts on the weather? With the power to talk to animals, I could just ask my cat all of these questions. Cats  spend a lot of their time sleeping so their dreams might be longer than a human’s dreams. Maybe my cat  dreams about chasing mice around the world or she might dream about what might be going on in peoples’  heads. Another question I would have for my cat is if she likes me. She usually favors my dad over anyone  else, but I am curious if my cat at least tolerates me. The last question I would have for my cat is if she likes  the cold. In the winter my cat spends most of her time inside, but when she is outside, she sits on the porch.  Her fur probably keeps her warm to an extent, but I wonder if she still has an opinion on the cold. If so then I  wonder if she likes the summer more than the winter. 

Talking to animals could be a very useful super power. It gives you the opportunity to work with  animals, to learn more about their homes, and how to protect them. Additionally, talking to pets would be very  enjoyable. I think the ability to talk to animals would be the most useful and enjoyable super power for me. 

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises 

Covid-19 hit us hard and out of nowhere and affected millions of families worldwide. From the  beginning of 2020 to now, over a year later and it is still spreading like a wildfire. Covid-19 has its positives and  negatives but it has given the whole world a new way to look at life. 


Some of the worst moments were all students from grades pre-k to college students had to finish the rest  of their 2019-2020 school year online. Even their 2020-2021 school year is online or hybrid. Covid-19 Cases  and deaths in the US are constantly increasing while people are losing their family members and their jobs.  Overdose and depression rates also increased due to the isolation from the rest of the world. This helped me  realize different people react to stressful situations in different ways. The elderly, pregnant women and people  with underlying medical conditions were the high-risk community and were most likely to be affected by covid 19. The virus spreads fast and easy and so many people were hospitalized there weren’t enough beds,  ventilators, and even masks. 


It’s not always good to be pessimistic, there are still some positives that came out of the pandemic. I’ve  noticed a lot of students my age are more independent, waking themselves up for virtual classes and stepping up  to take care of siblings; quarantine opened the doors for a lot of people to discover who they are, their style, and  introduced some new hair colors and hairstyles. When all schools and jobs were closed, there were fewer cars  on the roads, skies were so clear without the human-caused pollution. A lot of people started showing their love  and support towards essential workers and safely teamed together to protest for social justice. All of us around  the world quarantined, wore masks, and socially distanced to protect ourselves and our communities, we live  miles apart but, in some way, Covid connected us. 


Covid-19 also had many shocking events. During the pandemic, many inspiring celebrities passed away,  Chadwick Boseman, Cicely Tyson, Kobe Bryant and so many more people that would make this list way too  long. We had many restrictions due to covid, like only a certain amount of people at an event, the number  decreased to as low as 10, we also had curfews, which was recently changed from 9 pm to 11 pm. A covid  vaccine was also made; in less than a year. Many people are choosing to not get the vaccine, due to their own  beliefs or fears but most of the population needs it for herd immunity. Another surprise is the fact many states  are lifting their mask mandate and many people, refuse to even wear them despite the statistics showing they  work. Imagine telling everyone in December 2019 that in less than 4 months they had to wear masks and stand  6 feet away from friends and family, it’s a big change and many people are still adjusting to it. 


Lastly, although all of our lives have changed, we’re still living every day to the fullest and trying to get  back to a normal lifestyle with parties and big events and eating in restaurants again. There are so many unique  and different people that live in this world, but the Covid-19 pandemic gave us something to relate to and will  leave a lasting impression on every human being that lived through the virus. 

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises 

Living through Covid-19 has been a task. It has been challenging to say the least. Every day I watch the  news in horror and I see the numbers of infected individuals around the country and our world spike high.  100,000 turns to 200,000. 200,000 turns to 300,000. Then 400,000 to way over 500,000 people have died to  date, in the United States alone. And unfortunately, the numbers keep growing daily. I remember being able to  walk into a store or go to a park and hang out with my friends without a care in the world. Now, it’s almost  considered selfish to hug the ones we love without feeling a sense of guilt. I only have memories of the hugs I  shared with my grandparents because I physically can’t hug them. I am longing to wrap my arms around my  grandmother and lay my head on her chest while she cradles me in her bed. I have forgotten what their smiles  look like in person because now face coverings have become our new norm. And they say, if we love our loved  ones, we dare not leave our homes without our masks. I am painfully reminded of the saying, “You never know  what you have, until it’s gone.” A lot of it has been bad. Hundreds and thousands of people were dying daily.  We’ve witnessed people getting robbed of their dreams and for me and other students around the world, I felt  robbed of the true educational experience. I didn’t realize the privilege my friends and I had being able to go to  school without having to worry about forgetting to bring our Clorox wipes or my mom going to work without  forgetting her masks. I didn’t realize what I had while going to school before the pandemic struck. I didn’t  realize how much it would have affected me not to see my friends and family because before all of this, I got to  see them every day. It was only supposed to be 2 weeks. But that two weeks turned into months. Then the  summer came and we were still isolated. It’s been almost a year now and I still haven’t seen my friends and it is  getting close to the end of my 8th grade year. It surprises me how the United States, who is considered one of  the most powerful countries in the world was affected by this virus. Our nation seemed to have suffered the  most from it worldwide. But I think that it has reminded us that we need to keep safe too and that the U.S. isn’t  untouchable. I’ve watched family members lose their jobs. I’ve lost family friends to this virus. I’ve watched  individuals slowly lose their sanity, and sometimes it even seems as though they are losing hope. It feels as  though there are no right words during these moments. I am also reminded that every day is a gift and I have  learned to never take anything for granted. This is a painful and rough time but I believe that if we remain  hopeful, we can get through it together. The good part is, I know there is still a glimmer of hope that things will  be good again. I refuse to let fear overtake my thoughts. I know that if we remain committed to continue  pushing forward together, victory can be ours. I’ve oftentimes said, we cannot move forward and get positive  results as individuals but if we work together as a collective, we will see results. We should use this opportunity  to help uplift each other. We should be more committed to helping up each other. 


Surprisingly, Covid-19 hasn’t just taken from us, but it has also taught us to value each other. Even  though it has drifted away some relationships, it has created space for new bonds to thrive. It has made America  come together with a common goal, which is to get through these tough times together regardless of the color of  our skin. The pieces may have been broken but not lost. It is our job to piece them together as a community. 


Living through Covid-19 has been challenging and has been impossible to face alone. However, I realize  that when we are facing it together, the possibilities of us getting through this thing together is greater. 

Sea glass 

I’ve heard that an ache starts inside. Curling its tendrils around your heart,teasing the ridges of your brain, 

and trampling your lungs, till the only thing you can do is pray for a breath of clean air. Untainted by your thoughts. 

I disagree. 

I think that an ache starts on the outside. 

A chill that turns to a burn against your skin,your lips tainted blue, 

your eyelashes glued together by your frozen tears.Salt crystals falling into the ocean. Yes, the ocean. 

I am floating in the ocean, 

another thing abandoned in the waves,a piece of trash floating, 

hitting rocks, 

breaking itself over and over again,till it is smooth and palatable. 

Sea glass 

being thrown through the water, 

back and forth feeling wave upon wave of pain. 

The parts of myself being chipped away by these waves,by a virus so loosely resembled by the sea, formidable and seemingly undefeatable. 

How can we as mortals face a threat that is not human?Not some strange animal, but another horseman of the apocalypse,riding in on its steady stead, 

crashing through the waves, 

leaving me to drown. 

Who is your racial justice hero, past or present, and why? 

She stands before me as a superhero  

As my role model 

She is the model 

She has braved a great nation  

She has stood against the odds  

As the waves crashed against her 

Her confidence was her force field  

She stands against the oppression  

She withstands the depression  

Her ebony skin 

Looks purple in the moonlight  

Looks golden in the sunlight 

She closes her eyes when she dances 

To a melody only she can hear  

She holds hands with the children  

To link to a circle 

And they dance  

And they sway  

And they play 

She sings her song  

Song of pain and glory  

Of her battles and wars 

Her song is sung SO LOUD  

It’s a vibration 

And when she goes to school  

And they mocked her movement  

Her speech, her sound 

Picked at her hair 

And she turned around  

And she sings her song  

She is my sister 

She lives with me  

She laughs with me  

She cries with me  

She is my hero 

I Remember 

I remember the drowsiness I felt as I left my house. 

I remember the warm greeting of “Good Morning” as my dreadful shadow bumped me along into the yellow  school bus. 

I remember the laughter we used to share as we watched the sun sparkle in the horizon in the comfort of our  leather seats. 

I remember the weight of the 500-ton bricks in my bag. 

I remember the warm and understanding smiles of our teachers. 

I remember the Screechhhhh! of my locker as it crocked open. 

I remember the warmth of my trumpet as it echoed through the band room. 

I remember the sound of relief my mom had when I said “I made it through another day” or “I had a good day  today!” 

I remember the sound of my wooden pencil’s determination to get this never-ending homework done. I remember the news and getting happy because I saw my school on the “No school today” list. I remember having to clean out my locker in the month of March. 

I remember the joy in the air of everyone running to their busses because they were ready to go home. I remember when they said that we would be back in 2 weeks. 

I remember the supposedly 2 weeks off becoming 3 weeks to 4 weeks to…….. 

I remember the sound of my keyboard Tap! Tap! 

I remember the virtual “Good Morning.” 

I remember. 

I remember. 

I remember. 

I remember the anger inside asking why! why! Why do we have to do this! I miss it, I want to go back! I remember the sadness in our teachers’ eyes as they tried to mask it with a smile. 

I remember all the students trying to take back what they wished. 

I remember the 2 weeks, 3 weeks,4 weeks then it was graduation from 7th grade. 

I remember the shock that shivered through my body as I came to terms that this really was the new norm I remember having to come to terms that we have to wear masks everywhere we go. I remember. 

I remember the pain of not seeing my friends smiling anymore. 

I remember the pain in my heart. 

I remember asking for just one, just one more lesson. 

I remember. 

Portrait of Ruby Bridges

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

Grades 10-12

Who is your racial justice hero, past or present, and why? 

My racial justice hero is the reason women, specifically black women, can work alongside, and above  men in stem fields. Katherine Johnson, a mathematician and scientist was the brains behind the calculations that  enabled the first American, John Glenn, to orbit the Earth. During Katherine’s time at NASA, her work was  often dismissed. Not only did she fight for recognition for herself, but she fought for equal treatment of all black  members at NASA. She is widely recognized for her work at NASA, but should be remembered for  desegregating higher education. Before the space race with the Soviet Union Kathrine made history as one of  the first black graduate students to attend a previously all-white, tax-supported Southern university. 


Her drive for education helped to diminish the racial caste system that stifled the academic career for  generations of African Americans. She was a part of a group of black students at predominantly white  institutions who started the push for inclusion and equity that is still ongoing today. This molded the path for  minorities to receive equal education. 


To me, Katherine Johnson is a role model for all women, people of color, and stem advocates. She had a  dedication so strong to pursue her dreams that she made it so others can follow with less struggle. Without her  actions, professional fields would still be segregated and demoting women and racial minorities. She  demonstrated intelligence, strength, confidence, and determination. Without her actions, there would not be  representation in fields predominantly run by men, specifically, white men. Being interested in stem myself, I  am saddened that she had to go through discrimination, but relieved that she did not let this deter her from doing  the best she can do. I am also disappointed that it took years before she received recognition for her work  nationally. In 1999 Johnson was named West Virginia State College Outstanding Alumnus of the Year, but it  wasn’t until 2015 when she was recognized by President Barack Obama when he presented her with the  Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of 17 Americans so honored with this award. 


Kathrine Johnson not only broke gender stereotypes, but also racial barriers. She fought injustice by  using her intelligence and passion for science and mathematics. Kathrine is my social justice hero for showing  resilience throughout her career. Her research has transformed space travel and shows the value and importance  of a diverse work setting. 

Stacey Abrams and Her Impact on My Activism: 

2020 has been a crazy year and it has carried its craziness to 2021. But one thing I will say that has  traveled from both years is the power Black People and the Black Lives Matter Movement has had. From  Trayvon Martin all the way back in 2012, to George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in 2020, they and others have  lost their lives because of the injustices in America. Luckily there are people just like me who won’t stop till  Black Lives Matter in America. People and organizations from all over do this in various ways and for various  topics such as politics, education, and social media. One woman I know in particular who did this in politics  was Stacey Abrams. She is most known for being the first Black Woman to run for Governor in Georgia in  2018. 


When running, she showed the public the outrageous voter oppression in Georgia and around the US.  She worked during her campaign to help marginalized groups register to vote, and inform them on voter issues.  This was unusual because often, people of color did not understand the impact voting had. People, especially  the rich and conservative tried to prevent people of color from voting, keeping people in power who shouldn’t  be. This has been happening for decades, but Stacey Abrams was one of the first to bring it into light. She ended  up losing the race for governor, but that did not stop her. She continued to campaign to make people of color  register to vote and use their voice. 


Racial justice is a topic that I am interested in, and I like to keep tabs on social issues. To me, Stacey  Abrams has done so much to advocate for people of color. She has made sure that underrepresented  communities were represented in the last election. For her to keep going and to stick to what she is passionate  about is why I picked her. When I first learned about her, I knew she’d be someone who would make history.  Her personality and her strive was just so admirable that I had no choice but to pick her as my essay topic. 


As said before, Stacey Abrams is one who doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty to help her community.  Though we are interested in different types of activism, I find that we share the same idea. She focuses on  voting and getting minorities the representation they deserve and I want kids in Hartford to have the opportunity  to read diverse books from people who actually look and relate to them. 


At a young age I was always exposed to voting. My elementary school would hold voting there and my  mom would always let me tag along. After she was done, she’d let me have the sticker. It started to be our  annual thing: my mom and I would go to some school where she had to vote and I’d accompany her. 


With COVID, voting was difficult because this time I couldn’t accompany her. I was able to wait in the  line with her but then had to go into the car when she was ready to vote due to COVID restrictions. I feel that  voting has changed over the years. In the past, not many people showed up, the lines weren’t even that long.  You went in and out. As recent as my Freshman year of high school I noticed the lines were getting longer. This  presidential election, we stayed there for at least 50 minutes waiting for my mom to actually get into the  building and vote, and we were early too! I feel that my mom making me come with her to vote made me into  who I am now. I am a big supporter of everyone having the opportunity to vote; it’s our voice and we can’t  waste it. 


One thing I can’t wait to do when I am 18, is register to vote. I believe it is something very important  and we should use our voice to determine the people who represent us in politics. You cannot say votes do not  matter, because they do: they help represent each town, city, and state. They help get us the resources we need for our community, and also help with funding for the town as a whole. Me being able to experience voting has  put me where I am now and it is something I am very happy to be a part of, even though I could not at that time,  and still can’t. 


Though our activism is different, Stacey Abrams and I agree that minorities need to be represented more  and in the best way possible. For me, I am very passionate about having my people have a voice and being able  to share their perspective on anything. For my sophomore year in high school, I was required to do a project on  something I was very passionate about and this year I decided on doing interviews. 


I created a website where my close friends and family were asked questions regarding racism in  America and the Black Lives Matter Movement. The website is public where anyone could look at it. I did this  for my project because I want people to understand different perspectives. They can understand how people feel  about racism in America and how it differs from each race. It was a very long process but I am very proud of  how it turned out. Here is the website link to it: https://interviewsforall.wixsite.com/interviewsforall. Currently,  I am a Girl Scout and I am working to get my Gold Award. My project is to collect 100 books for multiple age  groups, all from authors of color with characters the reader can relate to. I am also working with The Key  Bookstore, a black owned bookstore in Hartford, where they too are collecting books for my list. When I collect  all the books, I will give them to schools and organizations chosen by me. Additionally, I will be launching a  website where my book lists and other information about my project will be. This will be made in a couple of  months. 


I decided to do this because when I was younger, there were not a lot of books made for people of color  available to me. I had to read books about white children and their experience. Now, those books weren’t bad,  but I would’ve liked books more if I was able to read about people that looked like me. I am a very avid reader,  but I feel like I would’ve liked books more as a kid if they were about people of color and their experiences. 


My activism is very important to me and seeing Stacey Abrams, a Black Woman, making sure  marginalized voices are heard inspires me, and I hope young adults get out and vote. She is showing us that if  you are passionate about something, anything is possible as long as you put your mind up to it. Stacey Abrams  and me both want to show that representation matters not only in politics but also in everyday life. 

A Powerful Man 

My racial justice hero is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr because King was and still is one of the most  influential heroes. He made the world a better place and spoke out for racial justice. Also, he tried to find an end  to racial discrimination. Dr. King inspires me to this day to accept others for who they are, not what they look  like. His words were very inspirational and powerful. He gave me a life that I would have never been able to  experience without his sacrifices. He is important because he teaches us to follow our dreams and speak up for  our rights. Racial segregation ruled in almost all places: be it schools, neighborhoods and even in social places. 


For some students Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is just some day in January we get out of school for some  guy having a dream, but for others it is a time to celebrate the sacrifice a great man made for the civil rights of  Americans. Celebrating the life of King on January 20th is important because he was a great man in this world  and he did a lot for the community. Even though he was trying to get blacks and whites to be equal things have  been different from the time King was alive. Yes, we still have things going on in the world today and there are  a lot of things that need to be fixed. 


The second half of Dr. King’s speech describes the dream of a better future racial integrity and that’s  very important because he would want people to have hope that one day they will have equal rights to freedom  and civil rights. Showing empathy can change a person’s day and working towards equal rights together people  of all races were able to overcome. To me that means courage, honor, bravery, care, faith, and mostly peace. 


Enough is enough and we continue to say never again but it keeps happening again and the death of  George Floyd was again. If Martin Luther King, Jr. was alive today he wouldn’t be happy about what’s going  on in the world today and I can see him saying “forget about singing my praises. Get to work. Honor me by  rolling up your sleeves and doing the justice work I believed in. The people need you.” 


So, as we take a day off to celebrate the King holiday on the third Monday of January, we take time to  remember the man and his cause. Also, it’s the day we need to answer his question, “what are you doing for  others?” (MLK) by knowing that everyone values respect, integrity, and responsibility. 

His Dream, Our Dream 


His dream was for us to be treated fairly Our dream is to be treated fairly. 

His dream was to be equal. Our dream is to be equal. His dream, our dream. 


His dream was for the nation to rise up. Our dream is for the nation to rise up. 

His dream was for states to transform into an oasis of freedom and Justice. 

Our dream is for states to transform into an oasis of freedom and Justice. His dream, our dream. 


His dream was for different colored hands to join as brothers and sisters. Our dream is for different colored  hands to join as brothers and sisters. His dream was for us to be judged by the content of our character. 


Our dream is for us to be judged by the content of our character. His dream, our dream. 


His dream was. 

Our dream is. 

57 Years later and dreams are still only dreams. 

The Super Power I would Choose and What I Would Do with It. 

If I could go back in time 

I’d be where it first happened 

The first black power fist to be thrown up  

It’s still happening 

Back in time to join the revolution with people like me 

To change the course of history this is something that just might be A miracle  

A powerful 

Chance to be apart of something so much bigger than myself Something so important  

To not just me 

But anybody 

Who supports us when we’re on their screens fighting 

for something that cannot be 

Replenished or diminished  

Forgotten or distraught 

If I could go back in time I’d see how hard we fought 

To stand a chance against those who called us name  

And so much more 

Back in time to fight a fight for my equality 

Back in time to explain to my people that so much  

more has to change 

To rearrange the future something we cannot escape  

So you ask me what I would like my superpower to be 

I’d like it to be time travel 

To change to course of OUR history. 

Life and Me 

I used to always be minimized in so many ways such as in school & this made nobody see my full  potential into being able to do big things in life. Some people don’t care enough to help you out until you get  out of your most difficult times in life because by then you’ll be strong enough to show who you are. I had the  language barrier & broke it, but even though I had my struggles as a freshman & lost some chances to show my  full potential I still stood up & kept on going. Things like selfishness can damage people, break them into pieces  but some people will never have empathy because they’re extremely self-centered & selfish. Life is hard, but  the worst part is that it does not come with an instructions manual making life have more problems than  solutions because everyone knows that life does not provide answers only problems in which you have to come  out with your solution(s) overall. I always loved helping people, but I forgot to help myself into thinking that I  can be better & I am better than before but life is never perfect. 


I felt like my life was extremely predictable & that it could be generalized in so many ways because of  how simple everything in life sounded. The sensation of floating in space is a close feeling into what it feels like  when everything goes wrong just in front of your eyes. Looking at such a big planet but yet, somehow small  because they’re undiscovered expectations of each single human in this world. I know my purpose, which is to  help people but now think what is your purpose? That will bring motivation to speak up for the things you can  do, into not showing off but to raise awareness for yourself because nobody else will & fight for your dreams  one way or another. Sometimes I feel like I’m speaking nonsense because of how empty you feel in space being  able to see places that are full of people, but yet there is nobody there to back you up into making the right  decisions in life. 


Life feels like a storm in which problems come & go every single time, either about the same things or  different problem setting(s). Discommunication can affect your life in so many ways, you end up pushing  people away because you think it is the right thing when it is not. You hurt them without having empathy, the  wrong motivation can affect the right reason for why you did things. Life is a mess if you don’t re-capacitate  about what are the right actions, for the right idea, & for the right reasons everything will turn into a void itself  taking away the things you most enjoyed about life. 


The past can give you the wrong reason for doing things wrong, so look up & try because if you don’t,  you’re going to end nowhere because having a reason does not mean you have purpose in how it is going to  benefit you in any way near the future or the present itself. Sometimes words feel like they’re leading you  nowhere but they are in some way but if you don’t try enough to work on it with your own expectations then  you will end up lower in life, more than you could ever think of (expectations). Never jump into conclusions &  ask as many questions as you can so you can be the difference in this world & have empathy for others, because  if you don’t then what is going to be the world about if we don’t have people that are willing to be empathetic.  The mind itself is really powerful; try to control it, don’t let it control you. 


Don’t break the limits, because there might be consequences in life, but break the barriers. Because you  are who you are, don’t let people evaluate you from their interpretation & point of view. Be the motivation you  always wanted to see in the world, be the inspirations for others to let them see who you are & where you are in  life. Being an example is one of the best things in life since people will always judge, and if that’s one of the  barriers, break the barriers of judgement by showing empathy. Don’t try to show people you’re stronger than  them, but show them we all can do it if you commit to the right decisions / choices in life. 

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

When I created this piece titled “Spiritual Sun”, I wanted to make something that really spoke out to me.  This was the first block printing piece that I’ve made, using a styrofoam plate and creating a design using gold  metallic paper. During the pandemic, I really wanted to branch out more and try new things, because I felt like I  wasn’t really inspired by anything before the lockdown. Although I personally had many negative experiences,  this pandemic has really helped me step out of my comfort zone and try something new. But when creating this  block printing piece, I felt proud of myself because block printing is new to me.  


During the process, I used shades of gold ink and gold metallic paper because those two colors spoke  out to me like I was creating a beautiful sun. I covered the styrofoam plate design that I made beforehand with  the gold inks and pressed them onto the metallic paper over and over until I made four complete circles. When I  finished with the design, me and my teacher decided to add a black background to help make the center piece  pop out. I had a lot of fun creating this art, and I can’t wait to try even more things in the future.  

Living through Covid-19: The Good, The Bad, and The Surprises

We were shocked when it first happened, and the amount we’ve been through is impeccable. We have  wavered and swayed ourselves by this virus. Dwelling on what’s enough is enough and what crosses the line.  Being ignorant to believe something legit is rigged because some were stuck in denial, just like the new life we  must adapt. Education will change Gen Z and the next, it is a worrisome step, but we just hope for the best. Our  best coping method is sit back in our cave and watch our shows, play video games, or be with family (which in  fact enacts a rise in domestic violence) all while the earth is on fire, while a part of it actually is on fire. All this  was influenced by the virus. The anniversary is coming closer and faster, we will continue to live through this  lifestyle, it is guaranteed this virus will not go away anytime soon, or if technical, at all, but as human rights, we  must treat ourselves with hope, determination, respect, honor, strength, safety and love.

I Can’t Get This Song Outta My Head

This art piece is called, “I Can’t Get This Song Outta My Head”. I created this piece to represent my  love for music and art, and how I used both to cope during the pandemic. Music is universal and people listen to  it during good times and bad times. The pandemic is one of those bad times. During the pandemic, I had to learn  how to cope with the many changes in my life. I had just started my Freshman year of High School. I was both  nervous and excited. When the pandemic came in March 2020, I became a full remote student. I was no longer  able to hang out with my friends, do fun things or spend time with my Grandmother. Almost a year later, I still  have not returned to in-person learning. As a teenager, all of this was very hard for me to understand. I was  scared when so many people were getting sick and dying. I used both art and music as a way to escape when I  was feeling sad or overwhelmed, even if it was just for a little while, it really helped. This piece is also a symbol  of strength and a reminder that we all have choices. For me, I choose to be happy and to focus on the good  things happening in my life and in the World. I love being an artist and the colors in this piece are colorful,  vibrant and hopeful and this is how I see my future.