What is the Hartford Creative Contest?
The Hartford Creative Contest is an annual competition open to all students attending schools, as well as those students who reside in Hartford and attend school in another Town or City.
The Contest is open to students in grades 4-12.
The Hartford Creative Contest has grown and expanded over the years, and now accepts both essays and poems for written submissions, and artwork for those who prefer that medium.
Each year, the Board decides upon 3 or 4 “prompts” which the students must use as the basis for their work. Essays and poems must relate to one of the prompts, and all artwork must have a short written component identifying the prompt to which it relates.
All submissions are judged on their creativity and responsiveness. There are cash awards for each type of submission by age group. For example, there is a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner for Essayists in Grades 4 – 6, for Poets in Grades 4 – 6, and for Artists in Grades 4 – 6. And so on. Each winner is published in the annual Awards Book, and will receive a copy as a keepsake.
The best submission amongst all of the categories is awarded the Grand Prize which, in 2024-25, is $750.00.